Mika Nordman to head digital services at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Mika Nordman has been appointed Director (Digital Services) at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment for a term of five years starting on 1 April 2021. The Government decided on the appointment on 11 March 2021.
Mika Nordman is a Licentiate of Science and a Master of Science in Technology. He has worked as Branch Director at the Legal Register Centre since 2013. Prior to that, he was Assistant Production Manager and Head of Project Management Office at the ICT Service Centre for the Judicial Administration in 2008–2013. Nordman has also worked as scientist at the Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre in 2002–2008 and as software engineer at Patria Ailon Oy in 2001.
The post of Director of Digital Services is new and Nordman will report directly to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry. The digital service system in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will be subject to significant structural and service changes and additional investments, which will begin during this government term and continue over the next few years. The Director will coordinate the development of the new digital service system during the transition phase.
A total of 39 applications were received for the position.
Raimo Luoma, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7244 Heidi Nummela, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7988