Municipalities will be compensated for services promoting integration

The Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (hereinafter, the Integration Act) has been amended to ensure integration services to those who have fled Ukraine. Following the amendment, the central government can compensate municipalities and wellbeing services counties for organising integration services for those beneficiaries of temporary protection who have a municipality of residence.
The Integration Act and the Reception Act have been amended in order to secure the access to services of people who have fled Ukraine. Based on the amendments (1083/2022) to the Integration Act (1386/2010), the central government can pay compensation to municipalities and wellbeing services counties for the provision of services promoting integration when the person receiving temporary protection has a municipality of residence.
The amendments to the Reception Act specify the regulation in situations where beneficiaries of temporary protection are assigned to a municipality of residence. The government budget session agreed on the funding of the proposal in autumn 2022.
Both acts will enter into force on 1 March 2023.
Municipalities to conclude an agreement with ELY Centre
The costs incurred by a municipality can be compensated if the municipality has drawn up an integration programme and concluded an agreement with the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) on assigning immigrants to the municipality and promoting their integration.
Following the amendments, the legal provisions on assigning persons to municipalities will be extended to apply to beneficiaries of temporary protection. In other words, a person in a vulnerable position receiving temporary protection who meets the requirements for obtaining a municipality of residence can be assigned one. However, the majority of beneficiaries of temporary protection move to municipalities independently or with the help of support measures of the reception centre.
Compensation for initial assessment is EUR 700
In addition, a child or young person who has arrived in Finland without a parent or guardian and who is a beneficiary of temporary protection and has a municipality of residence will receive housing and support services similarly to children or young people who have arrived as unaccompanied minors and receive international protection.
Already, an initial assessment and an integration plan, an integration plan for a minor or an integration plan for a family can be drawn up for a person receiving temporary protection. Municipalities will be compensated EUR 700 for an initial assessment per person.
Mira Sinkkonen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 293