Team Finland network intensifies cooperation – streamlined customer service to businesses at home and abroad

In 2019, the Team Finland network and public internationalisation service providers intensified their cooperation in customer services, and updated the strategic guidelines for the development of Team Finland activities.
The Executive Group of Team Finland adopted the network’s new strategy at its meeting at the end of October.
The Team Finland network facilitates exports and international growth of SMEs by offering a streamlined service path for internationalisation-oriented businesses. It also promotes Finland internationally as a hub of high-level expertise, and attracts foreign experts and investors to Finland.
“The Team Finland network and the internationalisation services provided to companies have been built and developed over several years. The strategy work in 2019 involved defining practical objectives and services of the network, and eliminating bottlenecks in service provision to companies. The focus is on companies, especially the needs of SMEs seeking international growth,” says Ilona Lundström, Chairman of Team Finland’s Executive Group and Director-General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
As part of the strategy, 15 measures were launched with the objective of creating a more seamless service package. The Team Finland network will also invest in effective communication to ensure customers will find the package – which consists of services from various providers – easy to understand and easily accessible.
The core members in the Team Finland network are the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Business Finland, Finnvera, Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) and Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices). The network also includes Team Finland partner organisations that provide export and internationalisation services in Finland and in the target countries.
The Team Finland network is steered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Business Finland is responsible for operational coordination in line with the guidelines of an Executive Group appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The Executive Group consists of representatives from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the senior management of organisations in the Team Finland network, and key business and industry organisations.
Development of Team Finland activities included in the Government Programme
Team Finland activities are part of the export and international growth programme included in Prime Minister Rinne’s Government Programme.
“The purpose of the Team Finland network is to boost companies’ internationalisation, renewal and competitiveness. The export and international growth programme included in the Government Programme has the same objective. Any additional resources obtained through the programme help to build a stronger international network for Business Finland, which is important for the internationalisation of SMEs”, Director-General Lundström explains.
Ilona Lundström, Director-General, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 46 920 2344, [email protected]
Mari Hakkarainen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 434 4933, [email protected]
Okko-Pekka Salmimies, Ambassador for Team Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 50 406 7540, [email protected]
Kari Komulainen, Senior Director, Business Finland, tel. +358 50 557 7842, [email protected]
Organisations in the Team Finland network
More about the Team Finland network
Press release 29 October: Preparation of the export and international growth programme well underway