Changes to management structure and foreign functions of Team Finland network

14.6.2024 18.01
The management structure of the Team Finland network in Finland will be renewed and the foreign activities of Business Finland will be integrated into the Foreign Service. The changes will proceed in stages and the implementation will take place in cooperation with the business community.

Government action plan supports Ukrainians in finding work and settling in Finland

14.6.2024 10.43
On 14 June 2024, the ministerial working group on employment and entrepreneurship adopted an action plan to help people who have fled Ukraine. In accordance with the Government Programme, the aim is to help Ukrainians enter the labour market and to support their participation in Finnish society.

Seven solar park projects receive EUR 27.5 million in Luxembourg-funded aid

13.6.2024 14.58
Solar panels in a meadow
Seven solar park projects in Finland have been granted a total of EUR 27.5 million through the EU’s Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism (RENEWFM). Under the mechanism, solar power will be built in Finland with funding from Luxembourg. The scheme will strengthen and diversify the production of renewable energy in Finland while promoting the achievement of the national targets for renewable energy in Luxembourg.

Consultation round on three-month unemployment rule begins: proposal deviates from Government Programme for specialists and permit holders who have worked in Finland for longer than two years

13.6.2024 9.57
The Government is seeking to strengthen the link between work and work-based residence permits, and to improve permit supervision. Worker’s residence permit holders in Finland would also have better opportunities to find new employment in sectors with a labour shortage. The Government proposal has been circulated for comments between 13 June and 16 August 2024.

Rapporteur assessing the current state and development needs of public-private cooperation in security of supply submits his report

12.6.2024 13.46
Kim Mattsson in the picture
Rapporteur for security of supply cooperation, Major General (ret) Kim Mattsson, submitted his report to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) on 12 June 2024. At the end of February 2024, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and NESA appointed a rapporteur to assess the public-private partnership (PPP) system implemented by the agency and its significance for Finland’s security of supply in the changed operating environment.

See also

TE services reform 2024

TE services reform 2024

The transfer of TE services to the municipalities will take place on 1 January 2025. The reform aims to create a service structure that will contribute to rapid employment of jobseekers.

Website of TE services reform 2024

Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland

Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland

The Sustainable Growth Programme boosts competitiveness, investment, research, development and innovation, as well as measures to raise skill levels. On our website you can find information on funding that the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the government agencies under its purview provide to companies, including calls for applications. 

Sustainable Growth Programme in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

Low-carbon roadmaps

Low-carbon roadmaps

The sectoral low-carbon roadmaps prepared in 2020 will be updated in accordance with Prime Minister Orpo’s Government Programme. Roadmaps will pave the way for a low-carbon future.

Roadmap website




The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment creates the conditions for economically, socially and ecologically sustainable growth. It comes from skilled people in high-quality jobs, productivity growth and increasing employment.

More on the subject

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

Government agencies, companies and funds of MEAE Group

The MEAE Group comprises seven government agencies, 15 Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, 15 Employment and Economic Development Offices, six companies plus three funds.

More on the subject


Arto Satonen
Arto Satonen
Minister of Employment
Wille Rydman
Wille Rydman
Minister of Economic Affairs
Kai Mykkänen
Kai Mykkänen
Minister of Climate and the Environment
Mari Rantanen
Mari Rantanen
Minister of the Interior
Anna-Kaisa Ikonen
Anna-Kaisa Ikonen
Minister of Local and Regional Government