Follow AI Forum 2018 online on 9 October – How can artificial intelligence boost European competitiveness?

The AI Forum 2018 is an international conference for discussing how artificial intelligence (AI) can boost competitiveness and economic growth in Europe. There will be a webcast of the panel discussions at 9-11 a.m. on 9 October on
The AI Forum 2018 is an international conference for discussing how artificial intelligence (AI) can boost competitiveness and economic growth in Europe. There will be a webcast of the panel discussions at 9-11 a.m. on 9 October on
The conference will take place at Aalto University’s main building Dipoli in Espoo on 8–9 October 2018. The conference brings together European ministers, business leaders and AI experts to discuss the future of AI in Europe. The AI Forum 2018 will be hosted by Finland’s Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä, Vice-President of the European Commission Jyrki Katainen and European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel. Some 200 people are expected to attend the invitation-only conference.
Panel discussions online
The programme of the webcast on 9 October is the following:
9.00 Opening remarks
Minister of Economic Affairs of Finland Mika Lintilä
Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel
President of Aalto University Ilkka Niemelä
9.30 Panel discussion 1: EU, China, USA: the global race for AI:
How does European development and application of AI differ from the other regions? How can Europe lead the way while building on its strengths and values?
Director General at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland Ilona Lundström
Director of the McKinsey Global Institute Jacques Bughin
Chief Exploration Officer of Tencent David Wallerstein
Deputy CEO, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of Orange Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière
10.15 Panel discussion 2: Tech unicorns born in Europe:
How can we create an environment that would support European success stories built on new AI powered business models? How do we ensure possibilities for growth in AI era Europe?
Vice-President of the European Commission Jyrki Katainen
Chair of the Supervisory Board of Siemens and A.P. Moller - Maersk, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Allianz and Member of the Board of Trustees of World Economic Forum Jim Hagemann Snabe
Founder and CEO of OKRA Technologies Loubna Bouarfa
Co-founder and Co-CEO of Zalando Robert Gentz
The panel discussions will be hosted by Ann Mettler, Head of the European Political Strategy Centre.
AI Forum 2018 to contribute to EU preparatory work
The second conference day, 9 October, will start with panel discussions around the theme of a European strategy for artificial intelligence. The panellists will be discussing how Europe’s strengths differ from those of other regions, such as China and the US. Another topic for discussion is how Europe can support AI-driven businesses. The discussions will be streamed live.
The potential of AI will be included in the European Commission’s next five-year plan and in the EU’s forthcoming Multiannual Financial Framework 2021–2027. Discussions in the AI Forum 2018 will be contributing to this preparatory work. The AI Forum 2018 was initiated by Minister Lintilä, and it will even support the preparations for Finland’s EU Presidency in 2019.
The AI Forum 2018 is a collaboration of Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the European Commission. Other contributors are Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the Technology Industries of Finland. Follow the discussion on social media using the hashtag #AIForum2018.