Subsidies and benefits

The employment authority can grant various subsidies for promoting employment and starting a business.

  • Wage subsidy is a discretionary subsidy paid for employers and aimed at promoting the employment of unemployed jobseekers.
  • An employment subsidy for persons aged 55 or over is a subsidy paid to an employer to promote the employment of persons aged 55 or over who have been unemployed for at least 24 months in the past 28 months. The granting of this subsidy does not require a consideration of expediency. 
  • Start-up grant is a subsidy paid to a person starting up a business in order to secure their income.
  • Subsidy for arranging working conditions is a subsidy for an employer for making adjustments required by a disabled or chronically ill employee.
  • Unemployment benefits provide unemployed jobseekers with the financial means to seek work and to improve their chances of finding work. There are three types of unemployment benefits in Finland: earnings-related allowance, basic unemployment allowance and labour market subsidy.
  • Some of the benefits granted to jobseekers are subsidies to compensate for the costs of applying for employment services, participating in them or dealing with the employment authorities, or to encourage jobseekers to find employment further away from home.  

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Support from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) helps people that have lost their jobs as a result of the global economic and financial crisis to find work, receive training or to set up their own business. The support will be directed through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment for the funding of employment and business services.

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers |