Talent Boost

Finland’s success and international competitiveness are based on high levels of skills and competence. However, the Finnish labour market suffers from a shortage of skilled workers. While employment must be provided to unemployed jobseekers already in Finland, the country also needs work-based immigration. Finland needs labour force from EU/EEA countries, but also promotes international recruitment from third countries.
Work-based immigration strengthens economic growth, innovations, investments and vitality and helps secure services. Similarly, education-based immigration can support the availability of experts and Finland’s growth, internationalisation and innovation activities.
Greater diversity in society and working life will make Finland more attractive to international talent and investors, while also making a decisive contribution to improving the employment of immigrants already living in Finland. Having a more international working environment will encourage international graduates and researchers to settle in Finland, and prevent the so-called brain drain.
The Talent Boost programme coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture is an intersectoral programme for work-based and education-based immigration. Its aim is to improve Finland’s ability to attract foreign workforce to meet its labour needs.
Talent Boost programme for 2023–2027
The Talent Boost programme for 2023–2027 brings together the work-based immigration measures of Petteri Orpo’s Government Programme and enhances the measures introduced earlier. The programme’s priorities are:
- Finland’s attractiveness: promoting the availability of experts and country branding
- Easy and effective residence permit processes and follow-up control
- Strengthening Finland’s ability to retain foreign workforce
- Preventing and combating work-based exploitation
The programme is implemented nationally and regionally by a number of different operators that develop services for skilled workforce and employers. Achieving the objectives requires seamless and long-term cooperation and compatible services of the central government, cities, higher education institutions, other educational institutions, companies and others.
Read more
- Talent Boost 2023–2027
- Frequently asked questions about measures of the Orpo Government concerning work-based immigration
Satu Salonen, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, satu.t.salonen(at)gov.fi
Petra Lehto, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, petra.lehto(at)gov.fi