Utilisation of research and expertise

Utilisation of research data and new technologies plays an important role as a source of sustainable growth and innovation. Although Finland is known as a country with high technology and expertise, the majority of research findings remain unpublished. No rewards are given for the utilisation of research results, and the lack of contacts necessary for commercialisation represents a bottleneck for effective use of data. 

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment promotes the use of research data to support and safeguard the economy and social wellbeing. It takes measures to remove barriers between research and business life and to develop new operating models and instruments to promote such use. The Ministry works in cooperation with key partners such as the Ministry of Education and Culture, higher education institutions and business life. The Ministry also produces information on the utilisation of research data, and on the development and effectiveness of cooperation.

Contact information

Maija Lönnqvist, Teollisuusneuvos 
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Innovaatiot ja yritysrahoitusosasto, Innovaatiopolitiikka-ryhmä, INNO Telephone:0295047105   Email Address: