Finland appointed to participate in the preparation of the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy – Minister of Economic Affairs Lintilä as a Minister Champion for the Technology and Innovations theme

Finland has been accepted as one of the Global Champions countries promoting the preparation of the High-level Dialogue on Energy to be held in New York in September 2021 in connection to the UN General Assembly.
Finland will participate in the preparation of the Innovation, Technology and Data theme of the Dialogue on Energy. Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä will represent Finland and act as a Minister Champion of the international dialogue.
– We applied for this role at the request of the European Commission, because Finland is known as a pioneer in clean energy transition and low-carbon issues. We also have a lot to contribute to the dialogue as a promoter and enabler of innovations and clean technologies, Minister Lintilä says.
Other Global Champions countries for the theme of Innovation, Technology and Data are Mauritius, Morocco and the Russian Federation. The other four themes of the High-level Dialogue on Energy are Energy Access, Energy Transition, Enabling SDGs through inclusive, just energy transitions and Finance and Investment. Over 30 Global Champions countries from around the world are preparing the themes.
The main task of each Champions country is to lead international outreach work on its own theme, as well as to co-host Ministerial-level Thematic Forums with the other Champions countries with the same theme.
– This dialogue is very timely, as the energy sector is facing an ambitious change to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement. In addition, we are working together to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal on Energy. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 seeks to ensure affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy supply for all, Minister Lintilä emphasises.
– I believe that the development of innovative climate and energy technologies is the key to success and to achieving of climate goals around the world. Long-term decision-making and a stable regulatory environment are important for all stakeholders in promoting the transition to climate neutrality. In the energy sector, political measures can last for decades and investment decisions are made in the long term, Lintilä reminds.
The cross-cutting Innovation, Technology and Data theme will focus on advancing energy access and energy transitions as well as enabling the SDGs through the development and application of data, technology, innovation, research and capacity building measures.
The preparatory work will be carried out in Technical Working Groups of experts, which will prepare the content of the theme and submit their reports on the work done in May. The VTT Technology Research Centre of Finland will participate in the preparatory work of the Working Group on Innovation, Technology and Data.
Further information:
Teppo Säkkinen, Senior Adviser to Minister of Economic Affairs, tel. +358 50 516 2868
Matti Lassila, Senior Adviser, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 50 467 9186
Nina Alatalo, Adviser to Minister of Economic Affairs, (EU and international affairs), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7171
Katja Tuokko, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7660
Dialogue’s website: UN High-level Dialogue on Energy (New York, September 2021)Link to an external website