Government proposes amendments to the Act on Municipal Experiments to Promote Employment to improve employment opportunities for people who have fled the war in Ukraine and those who have impaired capacity for work

The Government proposes amendments to the Act on Municipal Experiments to Promote Employment to improve employment opportunities for people who have fled the war in Ukraine and to clarify the regulation on Työkanava Ltd.
Beneficiaries of temporary protection to participate in local government pilots
Finland has granted temporary protection for some 40,000 people who have fled the war in Ukraine. Temporary protection is based on an EU directive on temporary protection, which Finland has applied for the first time due to the war in Ukraine. Granting temporary protection makes it possible to provide protection to a limited group of people in a swift process that is less complex than the asylum procedure.
To promote their employment, the Government proposes that beneficiaries of temporary protection could also become clients of the local government pilots on employment.
Under the current legislation, pilots can accept all immigrants and foreign-language speakers as clients. However, clients are required to have a municipality of residence. It is now proposed that this requirement under the Municipality of Residence Act would not apply to beneficiaries of temporary protection.
“This legislative amendment will make it easier for those who have fled the war in Ukraine to find employment. Work is a key building block for a safe and secure life. In addition to an income, it offers social networks and a place in the Finnish society,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.
Local government pilots to have the right to direct customers to Työkanava Ltd
Työkanava Ltd is a limited liability company owned and controlled by the State, whose task is to promote the transition of people with impaired work capacity to the open labour market.
The Government proposes to clarify the Act on Municipal Experiments to Promote Employment to give a municipality participating in the local government pilot the right to decide whether a person meets the conditions under the Act on Työkanava Ltd to be employed by the company.
“This change will clarify the option of local government pilots to refer their clients to Työkanava Oy for employment. Työkanava facilitates the employment of people with impaired capacity for work who have not found work despite various measures and services. Our country needs everyone’s contribution,” Minister Haatainen says.
The legislative amendments are intended to enter into force on 1 March 2023.
Anna Aaltonen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7097
Press release 11 October 2022: Comments sought on amendments to the Act on Municipal Experiments to Promote Employment: Proposal to improve employment opportunities of people who have fled the war in Ukraine
More information about the local government pilots on promoting employment
More information on Työkanava Ltd