Cooperation group appointed to review competitiveness of tourism
Minister of Economic Affairs Olli Rehn has appointed a cooperation group on tourism for the term 1.6.2016-31.12.2018.
The main objective of the group, mainly consisting of business leaders in the different sectors of the tourism industry, is to gather and prioritise the guidelines and measures that are important for the competitiveness of tourism in Finland. These will be taken to the Government's midterm review session in 2017 and the next Government Programme in 2019.
The group works as an advisory expert body in tourism-related issues, follows and evaluates the national and global development of the operating environment and phenomena relating to tourism, and discusses matters concerning the development of the national tourism policy and legislation. The aim of the group is to identify those measures that promote the growth and renewal of the competitiveness of the tourism sectors, by utilising the previous work carried out in this field, and to present these proposals to the Ministry and the Government. Furthermore, the group functions as an advocate of the significance of tourism in Finland, thus supporting the work of Visit Finland.
The cooperation group on tourism is chaired by Miia Porkkala, Chairperson of the Board of Directors from AhoGroup Oy. The vice-chair is Director Tom Selänniemi from the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia. The secretaries of the group are Senior Officer Hanna-Mari Kuhmonen and Senior Specialist Nina Vesterinen from the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. The group consists of 25 members and five expert members. Representatives from different ministries will be invited to attend the meetings when necessary.
For broader-based discussion and communication in tourism policy matters, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy organises a national seminar on tourism policy every year.
Nina Vesterinen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, tel. +358 50 3961234, firstname.lastname@tem.fiLink to an external website