New programme seeks growth through internationalisation by increasing exports, improving competitiveness and creating new export companies
The programme for exports and international growth is designed to put Finnish exports back on the growth track during 2021. The programme will, inter alia, establish an advisory service focusing on the EU and international financing as well as expand Business Finland's network abroad.
The goal is to increase the number of new export companies as well as boost exports by the existing ones during the government term. Major potential exists particularly in the digital economy and service exports. Another objective is to encourage inter-company export projects to enable SMEs with limited resources for internationalisation to achieve growth in the global marketplace. The programme is part of the Government Programme.
“Finland is an export-driven country, and the coronavirus pandemic has shown that our economy is dependant on global developments. Increased and diversified exports by companies and success in the international marketplace are vital to the Finnish economy. The programme for exports and international growth foresees a number of measures to improve the companies’ international competitiveness and promote sustainable growth,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.
“The programme seeks to upgrade internationalisation services by improving seamless integration between national and regional, as well as public and private services. At the same time, we want to increase the appeal and specialisation of regions. The programme is announced and launched here in Ostrobothnia, a region with an advanced energy and food sector and chemical industry,” Minister Lintilä said at the launch ceremony in Seinäjoki on 26 September 2020.
Programme themes to boost exports
The programme includes four themes underpinned by a range of supportive measures. Themes and objectives:
- Demand-driven ecosystems: New, globally competitive ecosystems will emerge in Finland
- Expansion of internationalisation services: Expert organisations providing internationalisation services will work together by engaging in more concerted, effective and customer-responsive efforts
- Provision of financing: Finnish export companies will be able to make more efficient use of domestic and international sources of financing and financial instruments
- Climate solutions: Finnish companies will seize the global business opportunities offered by the low-carbon bio- and circular economy
Annual monitoring
The programme will serve as an inter-agency coordination and management tool for developing the current activities, launching new measures, establishing joint objectives and monitoring performance. The Government will review the progress made in connection with the annual budget talks and, if appropriate, pass new decisions in support of the programme objectives.
Participating in the implementation of the programme under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment are several other ministries, notably the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as Business Finland, the Team Finland network of public agencies offering internationalisation services, and private sector stakeholders.
Jenny Hasu, Special Advisor to the Minister of Economic Affairs, tel. 029 504 7213
Sampsa Nissinen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. 029 504 7189
Mari Hakkarainen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. 029 506 2144