Regions to receive EUR 13.4 million for sustainable growth and vitality

On 4 February 2021, the Government allocated EUR 8 million to regional councils for regional development and EUR 5 million for the launch of ecosystem agreements between the State and cities. In addition, EUR 400,000 was granted to the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme for the sudden structural change caused by the closure of a bus body manufacturing plant by Scania’s subsidiary SOE Busproduction Finland Oy in Lahti.
EUR 8 million for development of regions
The appropriation for the development of regions will be allocated to various measures supporting the implementation of the Government’s decision on regional development and regional programmes, in accordance with the regions’ needs and consideration. Of the EUR 8 million appropriation, 70% has been distributed equally among all regions and 30% on the basis of population.
“The funding aims to strengthen the economic and social vitality of the regions. In addition to the coronavirus recovery measures, it is important that regions can continue their long-term development work in line with the priorities of the regional programmes,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.
Regions can use this appropriation to develop projects based on regional strengths and specialisation and to start development processes and multilateral research and development projects that require a rapid response and where other funding instruments are unsuitable.
EUR 5 million to launch ecosystem agreements between State and cities
In accordance with Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Government Programme, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has prepared ecosystem agreements for innovation with 16 urban regions. The agreements between the State and university towns will address the priorities for strategic growth and innovation in the near future.
“The agreements are based on the views of urban regions and the State on the effective use of innovation clusters. The State and urban regions have also agreed on the allocation of resources to achieve common goals, including a reduction in carbon emissions,” Lintilä says.
The purpose of the ecosystem agreements is to strengthen the creation of attractive innovation and competence clusters, and to build connections between Finland and international research, development and innovation networks and value chains. The agreements are letters of intent, which determine the vision, objectives and priorities of the parties.
The content of the agreements is close to completion. The EUR 5 million to be distributed now is intended for the launch of the agreements. The main funding for the implementation of the agreements will come from the EU’s Structural Funds programme. The Government will decide later how to allocate these funds to regions.
EUR 400,000 granted to Lahti region for sudden structural change
The Government has granted EUR 400,000 to the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme for the sudden structural change caused by the closure of a bus body manufacturing plant by Scania’s subsidiary SOE Busproduction Finland Oy in Lahti. This appropriation is part of the additional funding of EUR 1.065 million allocated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment to Lahti to manage the structural changes in the area.
Hanna-Maria Urjankangas, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 3739
Olli Voutilainen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4919 (ecosystem agreements)