Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment to start Seventy-Five podcasts on 1 February

75%, or Seventy-Five, is a podcast series of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment about Finland’s growth. These podcasts address a wide range of issues, sometimes rather unexpected ones, which will help to raise Finland’s employment rate to 75 per cent.
Each episode of Seventy-Five tackles one major economic challenge, discusses the megatrends behind it, presents a goal associated with the challenge, and explains ways of reaching that goal in the future.
Each episode features two guests: a specialist from the Ministry who looks at the issue at hand from the political decision-making perspective, and a guest who provides insights from the company, entrepreneur and employee perspective. The podcasts will be hosted by Reetta Räty.
The first episode will be released on 1 February. It will be available at and on iTunes and Spotify.
The topic of the first episode is the Finnish competition policy and markets. Guests in this episode are Jari Gustafsson, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and Kirsi Leivo, Director General of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority.
The following podcasts will be released on Fridays until 5 April.
Mikko Koivumaa, Director of Communications, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7030