Acts of Parliament in English, labour legislation

Links to finlex.fiLink to an external website


Act on Checking the Criminal Background of Persons working with ChildrenLink to an external website
Act on Confirmation of the General Applicability of Collective AgreementsLink to an external website
Act on Cooperation OmbudsmanLink to an external website
Act on Co-operation within Finnish and Community-wide Groups of UndertakingsLink to an external website
Act on Employee Involvement in European Companies and European Cooperative Societies as well as on Employer Obligations and Employee Involvement in Cross-Border Restructuring of CompaniesLink to an external website
Act on Financially-Supported Development on Professional SkillsLink to an external website
Act on Mediation in Labour DisputesLink to an external website
Act on Posting WorkersLink to an external website 
Act on Personnel FundsLink to an external website
Act on Safeguarding Direct Pension Promises in the Event of Employer InsolvencyLink to an external website
Act on the Continuation of the Employment Contracts and Civil Service Relationships of Persons Fulfilling their National Defence Liability Link to an external website
Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted OutLink to an external website
Act on the Labour Council and Derogation Permits Concerning Labour ProtectionLink to an external website
Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working LifeLink to an external website
Act on Working Hours on Vessels in Domestic TrafficLink to an external website
Annual Holidays ActLink to an external website
Collective Agreements ActLink to an external website
Co-operation ActLink to an external website
Employment Contracts ActLink to an external website
Seafarers' Employment Contracts ActLink to an external website
Seafarers' Annual Holidays ActLink to an external website
Seafarers' Pay Security ActLink to an external website
Seafarers' Service Act Link to an external website
Seafarers' Working Hours ActLink to an external website
Study Leave ActLink to an external website
Wage Guarantee ActLink to an external website
Working Time ActLink to an external website
Young Workers' ActLink to an external website

Act on Job Alternation LeaveLink to an external website, repealed on 1.8.2024 
Non-Discrimination ActLink to an external website (Ministry of Justice, MJ)
Act on the Labour CourtLink to an external website (MJ)
​​​​​​​Act on Compensations for TrainingLink to an external website (MSAH)