MEAE's instructions: People applying for temporary protection have the right to work in Finland
Welcome to Finland! When you apply for temporary protection, you can work freely in all sectors in Finland. The Finnish labour market needs many kinds of skills. These instructions will help you find a job in Finland, if you want one.
Right to work in Finland
The EU countries have decided to grant temporary protection to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. You can apply for temporary protection by contacting the police or border authorities when you arrive in Finland. You have the right to work in Finland as soon as you have applied for temporary protection. You can also work as a private trader.
You may have received a residence permit on other grounds. In that case, your right to work depends on what kind residence permit you have. You can stay in Finland for 90 days without a visa if you arrive from the Schengen area and have a biometric passport. However, in that case your right to work is strictly limited.
Many Ukrainians have been employed as seasonal workers in agriculture and forestry in Finland in recent years. About 16,000 seasonal workers will be needed this year. If you are interested in seasonal work, you should apply for temporary protection, which gives you the right to work freely in all sectors after you have applied for temporary protection.
People applying for and receiving temporary protection in Finland are entitled to a reception allowance that secures their essential livelihood. You can apply for reception allowance at the reception centre. However, you may receive reception allowance only if you cannot secure your livelihood otherwise, for example through paid employment.
Many kinds of skills are needed in the Finnish labour market
Finland needs people with different kinds of skills. There are open vacancies for those with university degrees and those with vocational qualifications. In particular, there are many jobs available in information technology (IT), health and social services, construction, accommodation and restaurant services, industry, and cleaning and property services. Many Ukrainians already work in these sectors. However, some jobs are available only to people with certain training or language skills.
You can get help for finding employment
After you have applied for temporary protection, you will be registered at a reception centre where the staff will help you. If you want to work, the reception centre can refer you to an Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) that helps jobseekers. The TE Office will advise you in your job search and can offer you services that promote your employment. For example, you may attend a Finnish or Swedish language course.
TE Offices also have a lot of information about open vacancies. You can look for available jobs in Finland through these services: Jobs in FinlandLink to an external website and Work in FinlandLink to an external website, for example.
More information on employment and everyday help is available in guide books
When you receive a residence permit, the Finnish Immigration Service will provide you with a Welcome to Finland guide or brochure (which is currently available in Russian and English, and will be available in Ukrainian later). For more information on working life and employees’ rights, see the Working in Finland brochure (in Ukrainian and Russian) or the As a foreign employee in FinlandLink to an external website guide (also in Ukrainian and Russian).
Many Finnish municipalities also offer guidance and counselling services for immigrants to help them with everyday challenges. Some provide help in several languages.
Everyone in Finland has the right to work on fair terms
Everyone in Finland has the right to a safe and fair working life. The law lays down rules on terms of employment, such as pay, maximum working hours and prohibition of discrimination in working life. Charging a fee for offering a job or arranging employment is prohibited in Finland. If you are treated inappropriately at work, you can contact the reception centre staff, occupational safety and health authorities or Victim Support FinlandLink to an external website.
If you are pressured to pay a fee, to accept poor terms of employment, to have sex or commit a crime in exchange for a job, accommodation or any kind of help, you should contact the reception centre staff or other authorities for help. The assistance system for victims of human trafficking is an authority that can also help if necessary. More information is available in Ukrainian: to an external website, in Russian: to an external website or in English: humantrafficking.fiLink to an external website
More information:
- Integration services for immigrants, TE servicesLink to an external website
- Jobs in FinlandLink to an external website
- Work in Finland:Link to an external website
- Welcome to Finland guide
- Working in Finland guide Link to an external website
- As a foreign employee in FinlandLink to an external website
Instructions in Ukrainian
Особи, яким надано тимчасовий захист, мають право працювати у ФінляндіїFile opens in a new tab pdf 334kB
Instructions in Russian
Получатель временной защиты имеет право работать в Финляндии