EU energy ministers to discuss affordable energy and energy security

The first Energy Council meeting under the Polish Presidency will be held in Brussels on 17 March 2025 with a focus on the Commission’s action plan for affordable energy and the energy security situation in the EU. Minister of Climate and the Environment Sari Multala will represent Finland at the meeting.
The ministers will discuss the action plan for affordable energy adopted as part of the Clean Industrial Deal, which was published by the Commission on 26 February 2025.
The action plan outlines measures to lower energy costs in the short term, complete the Energy Union, attract investments and prepare for potential energy crises.
The wide-ranging communication does not introduce directly binding measures. Rather, it is a plan that outlines the Commission’s future legislative proposals.
The action plan contains a number of references to transmission charges, network connections and the flexibility of the electricity system. The upcoming proposals will incentivise the use of flexibility in transmission charges, improve electricity grids and aim to enhance the use of cross-border capacity. In addition, the action plan includes a proposal to clarify the State aid requirements for non-fossil flexibility schemes that maintain the security of electricity supply. The Communication also stresses the importance of accelerating the permitting procedures for grid, storage and clean energy projects.
Efforts will be made to reduce the energy costs of consumers either directly or through energy efficiency. In connection with the preparation of the Energy Taxation Directive, the Commission plans to issue a recommendation to reduce electricity tax. In addition, the action plan includes means to tackle energy poverty through energy efficiency and energy communities as well as new subsidies for projects improving energy efficiency.
Finland’s position is based on a technology-neutral approach in which the clean transition is implemented cost-effectively and on market terms, creating a clear competitive advantage for the EU. The Nordic market and affordable electricity prices are an example of the benefits of a well-functioning market. The development of the electricity market model plays a key role in promoting the clean transition and ensuring crisis resilience. Changes in the production structure on the market require that measures affecting the market are evaluated in the medium and long term, especially as the amount of renewable energy in the system increases.
EU’s energy security architecture
Based on the experiences from the energy crisis, the ministers will discuss reforms to EU regulations on the security of gas supply and on electricity risk preparedness. They will focus, in particular, on how this framework could be improved to address existing and new energy security challenges which may impact EU citizens’ welfare and undermine the EU’s economy and competitiveness. Measures to better protect critical energy infrastructure in Europe are also on the ministers’ agenda.
The Ukrainian energy minister, German Galushchenko, will brief energy ministers on the energy situation in Ukraine. During an informal lunch, energy ministers will discuss critical infrastructure together with the directors of the European network of transmission system operators for gas (ENTSO-G) and for electricity (ENTSO-E).
Riku Huttunen, Director General, Minister of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 431 6518
Elina Johansson, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 301 4607
Sanna Ek-Husson, Senior Specialist, Permanent Representation of Finland, Brussels, tel. +32 470 206 178