Minister Lindström: Finland has ambitious integration plans

On 5 September 2018, the OECD published its report Working together – Skills and labour market integration of immigrants and their children in Finland. The report was requested by Finland. The OECD estimates that Finland is on the right track in its reform efforts.
“Since 2015, we have implemented a number of measures to improve the integration of immigrants. I am glad to notice that the OECD, too, recognises that we are on the right track. However, the work continues. We must find better ways to promote the integration of women and children, especially,” said Minister of Employment Jari Lindström.
Minister Lindström’s blog post “Finland has ambitious integration plans”
The report Working together – Skills and labour market integration of immigrants and their childrenLinkki toiselle sivustolleAvautuu uudessa välilehdessä at OECD’s website