Kaivosalan seminaari 2017

18.10.2017 10.04

31.10.2017 Levillä pidettävän seminarin ohjelma julkistettu


Building trust – how to improve the communication between mining industry and society

EIT RawMaterials MineFacts Project and The Finnish Mine Water Excellence Network joint seminar

Venue: Break Sokos Hotel Levi

Time: 31.10.2017 klo 9:00-14:30

MineFacts and KaivosVV projects have combined forces to present their findings to a wider audience in parallel within the FEM 2017 conference. The seminar is free of charge to the attendees and includes coffee + lunch. Pre-registration to the event is required, registration is open until October 15th, 2017. For additional information and registration please contact Laura S. Lauri (MineFacts, [email protected]) or Kaisa Turunen (KaivosVV, [email protected]).



8:30–9:00 Registration

9:00–9:20 Opening and MineFacts project, Laura S. Lauri, Geological Survey of Finland

9:20–9:50 Karen Hanghøj, EIT Raw Materials

9:50–10:05 29 municipalities, lots of travel and good discussions, Niclas Dahlström, LTU Business AB

10:05–10:20 Earning the trust from a "to be" mining municipality in northern Norway, Øystein Rushfeldt, Nussir ASA

10:20–10:35 coffee break

10:35–11:05 Eero Yrjö-Koskinen, Finnish Network for Sustainable mining

11:05–11:45 Mining industry and the municipalities

Anna Kantola, Sodankylä

Markku Norrena, Ylitornio

N.N. Kvalsund, Norway

Anna Kumpula Kostet, Pajala, Sweden

11:45–12:00 Emma Härdmark, SveMin

12:00–12:40 Lunch

12:40–13:00 Mine water network and KaivosVV project, Kaisa Turunen, Geological Survey of Finland

13:00–13:30 Topical challenges and recent advances in the environmental management of mines, Soile Backnäs, Kainuu ELY-Centre

13:30–13:50 Talvivaara mine and water pollution: Policy analysis of conflict process, Rauno Sairinen, University of Eastern Finland

13:50–14:05 Risk assessment as a tool to deserve social license in mine industry, Ilkka Miettinen and Marjo Niittynen, National Institute for Health and Welfare

14:05-14:20 Terho Liikamaa, Finnish mining authority Tukes

14:20-14:30 Discussion and closing of the seminar

14:30-15.00 Mining industry in Finland 2017 sector report. Heino Vasara Lappi ELY-Centre (in Finnish)

14:30-15:00 Publication of the MEE Mining Industry sector report 2017, Heino Vasara, Lapland ELY-centre


MineFacts: http://projects.gtk.fi/MineFacts_EN/index.html

KaivosVV (mainly in Finnish): http://projects.gtk.fi/kaivosvesiverkosto/index.html
